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ABC watching

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We tried our best but snow conditions were dangerous.

4 Oct ABC

Iņaki arrived back at camp, a celebration but luckily we don't have any whiskey.

Da'Nuru left for BC to check on our yaks and transport out.

Iņaki at Depot camp, dehydrated and exhausted but happy: Photo by Corinne.

ABC 4 Oct; luckily it wasn't as windy on our tents as everywhere else.

5 Oct ABC

The weather has turned calm, although our forecast says not for long. Teams that have not already tried to summit should be up there, although not all are.

Da'Nuru returned this morning with good news, Dorje, the CTMA Liaison Officer has arranged everything for us with great speed.

Our plans are the yaks arrive at ABC on the evening of the 6th, we will head to BC and onto Zhangmu on the 7th and should make Kathmandu on the evening of the 8th, barring unusual problems. We are looking forward to drinks and pizza courtesy Hans, as he has comprehensively broken his altitude record. This will probably be our last post for a while. In Kathmandu I might add a few more photos, we will see.


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